Who we are
The Bridges was founded in 2016 by a group of enterprising entrepreneurs.
We support our clients and associates in building effective business models.
Innovation through the incentives your company can access, using a tested process of digitalization and internationalization to grow and reduce business costs.

Mission e Vision
We support the planning, management, and execution of sustainable models to create the winning formula for your business.
With over 20 years of experience in management consulting and online marketing, we are the ideal partner to help grow your business during this time of transition.
The Management of The Bridges
Veronica Pitea
Finance Director
+39 011 18867102

Simone Ruffinatto
Admin Director
+39 011 18867102
President Mario Draghi
National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP )

Supporto strategico per servizi evoluti inerenti alla digitalizzazione e internazzionalizzazione delle imprese italiane. Incentivi e credito di imposta per PNRR.
Lungo Dora Pietro Colletta, 75
10153 – Torino (TO)
+39 011 19645869